Trevor’s Travel Trivia – Part VI – Papua New Guinea Trivia

I spent one month in Papua New Guinea as a development consultant in 1998 and I’ve been fascinated by Papua New Guinea trivia ever since. To me PNG is the epitome of adventure, so hopefully this should make for some tremendous travel trivia. That’s one HUGE travel trivia: World’s second largest island Papua New Guinea covers the eastern half of the world’s second-largest island, New Guinea, in the southwest Pacific. Greenland ranks #1, Borneo #3, and Great Britain #9. The western half of the island belongs to Indonesia.   Stock photography, mainly Pexels, except where indicated otherwise. 2nd pic (c) Simon Hayes, AdventureBagging. It never rains in Southern California? Well it certainly rains in PNG. There is only one country with higher rainfall, the tiny Sao Tome and Principe. You thought it rains a lot in Old Blighty? You might want to think again. It rains more than 2.5 times […]

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One Month in Papua New Guinea (1998)

The year was 1998, and – originally from Germany – I had just taken part in a one-year master program in international relations and development at UQ in Brizzie, ready to get some work experience under my belt. The Contract One of my fellow students at uni was the head of the trade union congress of Papua New Guinea. He got me in touch with one of the development NGOs in Port Moresby, PNG’s capital. That NGO happened to support his organisation. I applied and got a one-month job as a paid consultant. Over the next few weeks I had spoken with the local head of the NGO a few times over the phone. Nonetheless, I was still quite nervous when I arrived in Port Moresby. I had done my research, but there was not much to be found on the internet about Papua New Guinea back then.   I […]

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