Hold On To Your Butts, the Play, at the Arcola Theatre, London

Ellie & I have recently watched the play Hold on to Your Butts at London’s Arcola Theatre, and we absolutely loved it. This is my review. The play was one of the most hilarious plays we’ve ever seen anywhere. We laughed so much. More than once it was the kind of laughter that is almost hysteric. Laughter that is out of control, an urge that you can’t stop. It was clear that the rest of the audience was equally enthusiastic about the performance, with many laughing even more heartily than us. HOLD ON TO YOUR BUTTS IS A PARODY OF JURASSIC PARK – OUR REVIEW The premise of the play is simple enough to explain. In a style reminiscent of ultra-low budget improv theatre and physical comedy, all major scenes from Steven Spielberg’s original 1993 blockbuster Jurassic Park are re-staged by just two actors, Jack Baldwin & Laurence Pears, and […]

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