Q&As Northwest Passage – Coming Back from the Arctic after Two Months

Have you missed the first set of Q&As, which I posted before the start of the expedition? The second set of Q&As here are self-sufficient, so no worries. However, should you want to have a broader understanding about the Northwest Passage, what my three buddies and I set out to achieve, how it all came about, how I prepared, etc., then you can click here for the first set of Q&As. I created a second, much longer version of the Q&As, in case you’re interested in more detail.   Q: Welcome back. When did you return from the Northwest Passage and how long were you there for? A: I came back in mid-September (19.09.2024). I was in the Arctic for two months, 6 weeks of which I spent on water. Q: How was it? A: Easily the best thing I’ve ever done apart from meeting my wife and getting her […]

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The Northwest Passage and the Quest for the North Pole, an RGS Lecture

Two days ago, I attended a lecture by Eugene Rae, the Principal Librarian of the Royal Geographical Society, entitled “The Northwest Passage and the Quest for the North Pole” at the Society’s headquarters in South Kensington. It was an absolutely fascinating event, which involved Mr Rae walking us through roughly 150 exhibits relating to the subject matter, mainly books and maps, but also photographs and original items from the various expeditions, such as scientific instruments, tin boxes, and so on.     Pic #1 Map from time of Franklin Expedition showing “King Williams Land” as peninsula and not as the island that it actually is, which could explain strange and dangerous route Franklin’s expedition took towards end of their expedition’s journey. Pic #2 shows expeditions of Amundsen.   THE NORTHWEST PASSAGE HAS ONLY RECENTLY BECOME A HOT TOPIC FOR ME Mr Rae has held his current position for almost a […]

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Our two-day Outdoor First Aid (Level 3) Course

Ellie & I have just completed a two-day Outdoor First Aid Level 3 Award Training Course with AM Outdoors (£100pp). I had been following Aaron Mitchell, the owner of AM Outdoors, on X for some time. He’s an interesting dude. Former medic with the British Army, served in Afghanistan and around the world, then spent a year and a half riding his motorbike around the world, seven years ago, before settling down back in Old Blighty.   MAKING A PROPER WEEKEND AWAY OF THE OUTDOOR FIRST AID COURSE (LEVEL 3) The course took place at Summit House in Gillingham, near Rochester in Kent. Normally Gillingham station is a mere 40 minutes by train from London, and would have been easy to commute to. However, the trains had been having plenty of hiccups on this route lately, which is why Ellie & I had decided to make a proper weekend away […]

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The RGS Explore Symposium 2024 Expedition Workshop

Over the years Ellie & I have occasionally attended events at the Royal Geographical Society here in London and always enjoyed them. Recently, at Ranulph Fiennes’ Transglobe Expedition series of events, I got to chat with the RGS’s Expeditions and Fieldwork Manager, Tom Allen. This is how I learned about the RGS Explore Symposium 2024, in essence, an expedition workshop for anyone who is interested. There is no other requirement, no previous experience necessary, you don’t even have to have a plan to do an expedition in the future. At £125 per person, with discounts available for students and others, the event is very reasonably priced, too.   TURNING ELLIE INTO AN EXPLORER, STEP ONE Almost a bit to my surprise, Ellie immediately agreed to join me at the Royal Geographical Society, when I pitched the Explore idea to her. I was rather pleased (and still am!). It is my […]

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Q&As Northwest Passage – Coming Back from the Arctic (Long Version)

Have you missed the first set of Q&As, which I posted before the start of the expedition? The post-expedition Q&As at hand are self-sufficient. However, should you want to have a broader understanding about the Northwest Passage, what my three buddies and I set out to achieve, how it all came about, how I prepared, etc., then you can click here. Looking for a short version of these Q&As? Click here.   Q: Welcome back. When did you return from the Northwest Passage and how long were you there for? A: I came back in mid-September (19.09.2024). I was in the Arctic for two months, 6 weeks of which I spent on water. Q: How was it? A: Easily the best thing I’ve ever done apart from meeting my wife and getting her to marry me.         PREPARATION / RUN-UP   Q: Did you feel that your preparation […]

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